The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

I 11 I 1 THE TIMES RECORDER THURS OCT 3. 1974 4-C New York Stock Exchange ACTIVE STOCKS CarrierC .52 5 254 Gn Elec 1.60 (UPI) The 15 most Cater Tr 1.60 11 115 401 GnFood 1.40 New York 1,46 8 81 2734 271 Gn Host Wednesday. Celanse 2.80 5 400 28 Gen Instr 21 Sales Close Chg. Cent Tel 1.12 Gen Mill 1.20 358.300 CerroCorp 1 GnMot 2.55d 223,400 13.16 a Certn-to .60 PubU 1.68 167,400 4038 De Cessna .90 20 1312 Gn Steel Ind 152.900 138 72 TE 1.80 Champintl1 133,800 101 ChmpSP .60 958 Tire 1.10g 123,300 ChaseM 2.20 396 30 265 Ga Pac. 96,900 16 ChmNY 2.88 88 281 285- Gerber Pd 1 96,300 13 Chessie 3.60 100 41 381 212 Getty 1.30d 95,400 21 Chris Craft 21 13 158 Gillette 1.50 92,900 1018 Chrysir 1.40 8 192 121 121 Global Mar 91,100 123 18 Cin Gas 1.64 16 1538 15 Goodric 1.12 90,100 Fin 2.20 72 2758 271 Goodyr Tir 1 CIT 4 88.800 97 Citicorp .80 10 766 235 23344 Grace 87,700 3058 CitSrv 2.40g 5 54 345 Grand 0.80 86,000 1934 City Inv .66 3 94 GrantW.30h Clev El 2.40 7 45 227 GI 45d Coca Col 2.13 13 629 491 GINNek 1.80 Selected stocks Colgate 59 13 566 1838 1678 18 G1WsFin.40 Stock Exchange at Col Gas 1.98 5 89 1758 11, Gt West Un Comb 1.80 6 68 2358 3, Grn Gia 1.08 Net Com Siv 1.20 8 14 29 2858 29 Gryhd 1.04a High Low close Chg.

CmwEd 2.30 88 201 Grumn A Comm Sat 1 175 25 243 Guff Oil 1.60 43 Con Ed 162 658 GulfStU 1,12 16 16 ConsFd 1.35 5 362 1178 1114 1154 .80 393. 3812- Con Frgt .70 8 54 11 11 1012- 3 ConsNG 2.10 7 24 Hammi Pa 1 24 233 2334 4 Consm Pw 2 215 Harrahs .22 678 612 63 Conti Air Ln 8 120 HarrisC 1.20 223 Cn Can 1.60 6 82 213 HeclaMin 2i 1258 121 123g ContiOil 1.80 5 119 34 3234 5g Heinz 1.12 27 263g 2678 1 6 47 978 Hercules .80 1712 173g 3g Contri Data 4 963 1334 1258 13 Hershey .80 38 Corn 1.12a 9 397 3534 36 -13, Heublein 1 3914 377 38 Cox Brd .35 5 5 97 97 Hewltt .20 333 323 333 CPC Intl 2 7 22 25 2434 Hilton HI 1 18 1778 Crane 1.40 4 115 27 27 -21 Hobart .72 61 Crwn Z1 1.60 5 37 21 2038 201- Hoff Electn 2912 291 Curtiss 7 68 738 Hol Inns .32 17 1512 Cyprus 1.40 5 273 Hornstake 231 24 -D Honywl 1,40 1818 Dan Rivr .60 3 24 67 HousLP 1.48 153 Dana 1.36g 4 17 16 HowardJ .20 912 Dart in 4 53 1212 1138 1212 Howmt Cp 1 2834 271 275 201 1914 201 1 Dayco 1.14 3 12 11 11 Idaho 1.96 51 5 5 Day PL1 1.66 6 60 12 Ideal Basic 1 2834 Deere 1.60 149 313 31 111 Cenin 1.30 16 16124 Del Mnt 1.30 5 33 1 Ill Pwr 2.20 81 81 DeltaAir .60 7 158 323 3112 Imperial Cp 24 233 24 Dennisn .90 4 20 1458 INA Cp 2.10 Det Edis 1.45 5 193 Inexco Oil 1038 18 Diam Sh 1.20 5 94 22 2134- Ing Rnd 2.32 101 Diebold 6 16 InindSt1 2.40 3 Disney .12 13 403 22 InspCop 2.60 2938 2814 293 Distil Sea ,80 12 3 2734 IBM Corp 6 1434- 18 Dr Peppr .30 12 202 InHarv 114 118 11 DomeMn .80 13 122 44 43 431- 38 Intl Mining 2014 193 1934- 58 Dow Ch 1.20 12 647 5034 Int Nckl 1.40 Dresser 1.40 9 153 Intl Paper 2 1534 16 Duke 1.40 6 138 Int 1.52 7714 DuPont 4d 00 298 10512 1003 Itek Corprin 138 11 18 DuaneL 1.72 6 43 133 318 3 -E E- Jantzen .70 5 EascoCo .40 3 JeffPilot .60 Eastern Air 81 John Mv 1.20 12 12 East Ko 1.56 16 575 6638 $8 .80 24 24 Eatn Cp 1.80 4 29 22 38 JonLogn .40 25g- 18 ElPas Co 1g 4 45 103 Jones 1.60 678 Eltra Cp 4 18 Joy Mfg 13 Emer El .70 14 493 23 23 191 Esmark 4 48 Kaiser Alu1 1134 11 Ethyl C1.20 3 30 203 20 GE Ex Cell 0 01 4 46 KansN1.32g Exxon 3.45d 521 KanPLt 58 -F F- 'Kenmti 1.40 163 16 Faberge FairCam .40 .80 3 3 134 11 22 22 Kencott 2.60 Kerr McG 1 1838 1738 Faircind.30 6 Kidde W.60 15 FairmtF .60 5 Kim CI 1.44 1638 16 Farah Mfg 41 6 Airl 1138 1138 FerroCorp1 1.10 4 99 12 Knight N.32 538 5 Firstne Kopper 2.40 325 FsPa Cp 1.32 .70 5 38 1358 Kraftco 1.92 3158 Fleming .22 63 Flintkot 1.16 36 3 Kroger 1.36 161 16 FlaPwr 1.95 6 61 818 8 FMC Cp .92 5 70 12 Sieg .28 2638 58 FoodFar .20 5 24 PIC .80 FordMo 3.20 8 353 37 1.14d For Mck .88 76 10 958 10 2.20a 458 FreptM 1.20 5 319 VeLibby McNI 1714 38 Fruehuf 1.80 143 My 28 -G Littonin GAC Corp 26 C- GAF Cp.44 3 37 1.20 Gam Sk 1.40 4 9 1938- Lone Ind 123 Gannett .44 15 67 23 LoneStG 123B 12 GnAOil 10 28 38 37 LTV Corp Gen Dynam 4 233 16 Mutual Funds 15 MOST NEW YORK active stocks traded Stock Exchange Clorox wAs Am Tel Arlen Rity P.D Sve Col (sp) Texaco Polaroid Control Dt Std Oil Cal Southern Co Dictaphone Illinois Pwr Wstnghse Elc Shell Oil Kresge (sp) -Special offering NEW YORK (UPI) on the New York close Sales P.E (has) -A Addres 30h 102 59 AetnaLf1.08 195 Air Pro 20g 14 276 Aircolnc .90 30 AlcanAl1.20 40 Alleg Cp. 20d 30 Alig Lud 1.60 25 Allg Pw 1.52 135 Allied Ch 11: AlliedSt 1.50 Allis Cha. 26 70 Alcoa 1.34 229 AMAX 1.65 339 Am Hes 107 Am Airlines 20 324 ABrand 2.56 6 Am Brcst :80 6 59 Am Can 2.20 49 Am Cyan 112 240 AmElcPw 2 5 339 Am Hoist .60 23 AmHom 80 21 707 Am Hosp .30 17 87 AmMot 168 AmNGS 2.54 398 Am Smit 112 3 225 Am Stnd.80 112 Am Stor 1.60 12 Am 3.40 1674 Ametek .80 19 AMF In 1.24 370 Ampex Cp 42 Amstar 2.10 52 3 186 Apeco Corp 29 ArmcoS 1.60 113 Arms Ck .92 185 Ashl Oil 1.40 42 AfIRichf 212 11 396 Atlas Corp 18 13 Avco Corp 8 203 Avnetinc.30 2 66 .80 208 Baker Oil .37 16 20 Bangor Pn 16 Bath Ind.40 69 Beat Fds.72 8 132 Beckmn 50 9 Bell Hw .84 57 Bendix 1.80 5 43 Beth Steel 2 5 204 .40 21 255 Boeing .60 157 Boise Cas.50 178 Borden 1.30 139 Borg 1.35 24 Bost Ed 2.44 6 37 Bourns Inc 5 39 Braniff 507 BrigsS 1.60a 13 Bris My 1.52 189 BritPet 58 Br Grup 1.60 3 Brunswk .32 3 141 Bucyrus 114 669 Budd Co.80 17 BulovaW.70 2 Bunker .40 22 Burl In 1.60 29 Burl No 1.70 103 Burrghs .50 20 467 -C Camp S1.18 9 29 Can Pac. 82d 6 51 CaroPL 1.60 5 248 New York -Fol-Drect Cp 2.89 3.17 Gwth 6.43 6.99 Voyag 6.08 6.64 lowing is a list of DodgCx 9.99 9.99 Janus Fd 13.90 13.90 Reserv 1.00 1.00 bid and asked pri- Drexel 6.65 6.65 Johnstn 13.54 13.54 Revere 3.92 4.28 ces on Mutual DREY FUS GRP JOHN HANco*ck: Safec Eq 5.06 5.53 Funds as quoted by Dryf Fdl 7.26 7.96 Bnd Fd 16.82 18.28 Safeco 3.84 4.20 the NASD Inc.

Eqty Fd 3.07 3.28 Grwth 4.15 4.51 SCUDDER FDS: Dryf Lv 9.60 10.52 Signat 5.64 6.13 Intr Inv 9.77 9.77 Wednesday Dryf LA 10.01 KEYSTONE: Balanc 10.25 10.25 October 2, 1974 Sp incm 5.95 6.52 Cust B1 16.50 17.26 Com 5.98 5.98 Bid Ask 3rd Cent 6.21 6.81 Cust B2 15.99 17.52 Specal 15.37 15.37 Adm Gw 3.11 3.41 Mu 2.25 2.25 Cust B4 6.51 7.14 Sbd Lev 3.43 3.76 Adm Inc 2.80 3.07 Eagle Gr 5.10 5.59 Cust K1 5.34 5.85 SECURITY FDS: Adm Ins 6.65 7.29 EATON Cust K2 3.40 3.73 Equity 2.30 2.52 Adviser 3.46 3.78 HOWARD: Cust S1 12.19 13.36 Invest 4.51 4.94 Aetna Fd 4.76 5.20 Bain Fd 6.25 6.83 Cust S2 5.92 6.48 Ultra 4.16 4.56 Aetna In 10.67 11.66 Gwth 5.67 6.20 Cust S3 4.31 4.73 SELECTED FDS: Afuture 4.79 4.79 Incme 4.60 5.03 Cust S4 1.94 2.12 Am Shr 4.82 4.82 AGE Fd 3.56 3.63 Specil 4.00 4.37 Apollo 2.47 2.71 Opp Fd 5.39 5.39 Allstate 6.32 6.80 Stck Fd 6.39 6.98 Polars 2.02 2.20 Spl Shrs 8.82 8.82 Alpha Fd 7.38 8.07 EDIE Sp 11.23 11.23 Knickr 4.04 4.43 Sentinel 6.52 7.09 Amcap 2.84 3.10 Egret Gt 7.58 8.24 Knkr Gth 4.28 4.69 Sentry 8.75 9.51 Am Birth 9.65 10.60 Elfun Trt 8.93 Lndmrk 4.59 5.02 SHAREHLD GRP: Am Dvrs 5.65 6.17 Energy 8.13 8.13 LD Edie 10.24 10.95 Comst 2.50 Am Eqty 3.08 3.38 Fairfid 5.03 5.50 LEX GROUP: Entrpr 3.67 AM EXPRESS Fm Bure 5.67 5.67 Cp Ledr 9.79 10.87 Flet Fd 2.81 FUNDS: Fed 4.95 Grwth 4.06 4.44 Harbr 5.92 Captal 4.02 4.39 FIDELITY Resch 9.07 9.91 Legal 4.35 Incom 6.44 7.04 GROUP: Life Iniv 4.08 4.46 Pace Fd 4.99 Invstm 5.58 6.10 Bnd deb 7.64 8.35 Linc Cap 4.01 4.38 SHEARSON FDS: Spect 3.98 4.35 Captal 5.73 6.26 LOOMIS Apprc 12.42 13.57 Stock 4.51 4.93 Contra 6.34 SAYLES: Incom 14.13 15.44 Am Grth 3.31 3.62 Cv SSec 5.41 Cap Dv 7.01 7.01 Invest 6.56 7.17 Am Insin 3.18 3.48 Dest 4.40 Mutual 9.34 9.34 Sh Dean 9.16 9.16 Am Invst 3.11 3.11 Essex 4.76 LORD ABB: Side Fd 6.27 6.87 Am Mut 5.81 6.35 Everst 7.84 8.57 Affilat 4.77 5.16 SIGMA FUNDS: AmNt Gr 1.56 1.70 Fund 10.03 10.96 Am Bus 2.20 2.38 Cap Shr 4.16 4.55 ANCHOR Puritn 7.05 7.70 Bnd deb 7.94 8.68 Inv 6.30 6.89 GROUP: Salem 2.51 2.74 LUTHERAN BRO: Trst 5.95 6.50 Grwth 4.44 4.87 Trend 13.21 14.44 Broh Fd 7.10 7.76 Ventur 4.53 4.95 Incom 5.53 6.06 FINANCIAL Bro Inc 7.77 8.50 Smith 6.68 6.68 Reserv 10.26 11.24 PROGRAMS: Bro US 9.92 10.84 SB 7.44 7.44 Spectr 2.64 3.11 Fin Dyn 2.49 2.49 MASS CO: So GenF 8.10 8.48 Fnd Inv 4.65 5.10. Fin Ind 9 9.53 Freem 5.60 6.14 Swst Inv 4.72 5.10 Wa Natl 7.04 7.72 Fin inc 4.36 4.36 Indp 5.16 5.65 Sw Inv 3.23 3.49 Audax 4.39 4.80 Vent 2.35 2.35 Mass 7.62 8.35 Sovr In 7.35 8.05 AXE 1stFd Va 6.88 7.52 MASS FNCL: spectra 2.61 2.61 HOUGHTON: FIRST MIT 7.17 7.84 InD 4.08 4.08 Fund A 3.70 4.02 INVESTORS: MIG 6.58 7.19 STATE BND GRP: Fund 5.72 6.22 Disc Fd 2.73 2.99 MID 9.82 10.73 Com Fd 2.72 2.97 Stock 4.43 4.84 Grth Fd 4.32 4.73 MFD 7.47 8.16 Divesit 3.26 3.56 Axe Sci 3.13 3.40 Incom 5.96 6.53 MCD 8.67 9.48 Progrs 2.63 2.87 BLC Gth 6.46 7.06 Stock 5.13 5.62 Mates Iv 1.23 1.23 St Gr 2.93 2.93 Fr Babson 6.77 6.77 1st Multi 6.48 6.48 Mather 6.18 6.18 St Fr Inc 6.43 6.43 Bayroc 4.29 4.69 Flm Ber 6.44 6.44 Mid Am 3.31 3.62 State Str 26.82 27.18 Bayrk gr 3.43 3.75 FORUM GROUP: Money 1.00 1.00 Am STEADMAN Ind 2.09 FDS: 2.09 Bean HI 6.03 6.03 100 Fnd 5.76 Mony Fd 6.04 6.60 Beacon 6.77 6.77 101 Fnd 6.05 MSB Fd 8.48 8.48 Asso Fd .90 .90 Colum 6.36 Mtl BnG 5.68 6.22 Invest .94 .94 Berkshr 2.16 2.36 Bondstk 3.15 3.44 25 Fund 4.18 MIF Fd 5.49 5.94 Ocean 5.39 5.39 Bost Fdn 6.51 7.11 Fdn Gr 3.29 3.60 MIF Gro 2.35 2.54 STEIN ROE FDS: Brown 1.85 1.91 FOUNDERS MuOm gt 3.25 3.53 Balanc 12.28 12.28 Brahm 7.19 7.19 GROUP: Mu0m in 6.56 7.13 Capiti 5.26 5.26 CALVIN FUNDS: Grwth 3.56 3.89 Mut Shrs 14.79 14.79 Stock 8.12 8.12 Bull Fd 8.34 9.13 Incom 8.92 9.75 Mutl Trs 1.68 1.68 SIS GROUP: Can Fd 8.09 8.86 Mtual 5.78 6.32 Nat Indu 6.27 6.27 Grwth 3.92 4.30 Div Shr 2.25 2.47 Specil 8.26 9.03 NAT SEC FDS: Incom 5.84 6.40 Natwd 6.68 7.31 Foursa 5.61 5.61 Balanc 5.84 6.38 Smmit 5.07 5.56 NY Ven 7.59 8.31 FRANKLIN Bond Sr 3.76 4.11 Techni 4.30 4.71 CG Fund 6.09 6.58 GROUP: Dividn 2.59 2.83 Survey 5.79 6.33 CG IncF 6.75 7.30 DNTC 4.45 4.88 Pref Stk 4.52 4.94 Templ 6.20 6.80 Cap Prsv x93.77 Gwth Sr 4.19 4.59 Incom 3.57 3.90 Tran Cap 5.69 6.18 Cent Shs 6.83 7.46 Fr Incm 1.45 1.59 Stock Sr 4.73 5.17 Travi Eq 6.81 7.46 Chal Inv 6.14 6.71 US Gv 8.99 9.85 Grwth 3.69 4.03 Tudor 8.36 8.36 CHANNING Utilitie 2.93 3.21 NEW ENG LF: 20th CG 1.64 1.80 FUNDS: Res Cap 4.78 5.24 Equity 10.63 11.55 20th CI 2.74 3.00 Amer .84 .92 Rs Eaty 2.58 2.83 Grwth 5.83 6.34 Unified 5.05 5.52 Balncd 6.98 7.63 FkI LfEq 6.72 7.34 Incom 12.81 13.92 Unifund 5.13 5.61 Bnd Fd 7.21 7.88 Fd Mt dp 5.44 5.44 Side 9.21 10.01 UNION SERVICE Eqty Gr 4.62 5.05 FUNDS INCP NEA Mt 5.69 5.69 GROUP: Eaty Pr 1.70 1.86 GROUP: Neu Cent 3.78 Bra SIv 8.05 8.80 Fnd Am 4.65 5.08 Comm 5.88 6.43 Neuwth 5.69 Natl Inv 4.13 4.51 Grwth 3.00 3.28 Impac 4.88 5.33 Newton 8.70 9.51 Un Capt 5.72 6.25 Incom 5.10 5.57 Indus tr 7.72 8.44 Nw Pers 10.50 11.48 Union In 9.44 10.32 Prov In 2.83 3.09 Pilot 5.29 5.78 New Wid 7.46 8.15 UNITED FUNDS: Spect 1.03 1.13 Gatewy 3.58 3.87 Nichias 7.39 7.39 Accum 4.06 4.45 GE S-5 17.93 Nest Ivtr 12.37 12.37 Bnd Fd 6.33 6.94 Ventur 4.35 4.75 Gen Sec 4.61 4.61 Omega 5.97 6.09 Cont gw 5.84 6.40 Chart Fd 7.31 7.99 Gth FAm 3.16 3.450 0 Neil fo 10.33 10.33 Cont Inc 6.57 7.20 Grth Ind CHASE 11.32 11.32 One Will 9.97 9 97 Incom 7.61 8.34 BOSTON: Guard 16.69 16.69 OPPENHM FD: Scienc 3.90 4.27 Fnd Bos 4.37 4.78 HAMILTON GRP: Aim Fd 5.98 6.54 Vangd 3.15 3.45 Fron Cp 2.91 3.18 Fund 2.62 2.87 Op Fnd 4.24 4.63 Utd SvcF 4.20 4.20 ShTr Bs 4.92 5.38 Grwth 3.54 3.87 Mony 9.62 10.05 USAA Ca 5.44 5.44 Incom 4.40 4.81 Time 3.43 3.75 US GvtS 8.97 9.11 Spect 3.56 3.89 Chem Fd 6.05 6.61 Hart Gth 6.47 6.47 OTC Sec 8.44 9.17 USLIFE FUNDS: Hart 5.52 5.52 Paramt 4.60 5.03 Apex CNA MNG FDS: Lv 2.44 2.67 Hedge 4.36 Paul Rev 4.03 4.40 Bal Fnd 6.15 Librty 3.00 3.28 6.73 Manht 1.97 2.15 Heritge .66 Pgasus 2.55 2.80 Com Stk 8.12 8.88 Schus 4.38 4.79 11.74 Penn 1.11 1.11 Horace 10.86 Mt VALUE LINE FDS: Schu Sp 4.12 4.50 Impri Cp 6.27 6.85 Penn Sq 4.69 4.69 Val Lne 3.78 4.14 Imp Gr 5.14 5.62 Phila Fd 3.98 4.36 Val Inc 3.06 3.35 COLONIAL FUNDS: Inc Am 10.40 11.37 Phonix 6.54 7.15 Lev Gth 3.79 4.15 Inc Bost 4.93 5.40 PILGRIM GP: Val Spc 1.90 Conver 7.12 7.78 2.08 Equity 1.65 1.80 FAm 1.21 Pil Frm VANCE Ind 7.81 Fund 7.42 8.11 Integon 5.91 6.39 Captal 1.94 2.13 SANDERS: Invest 15.10 16.55 Incom 6.60 7.21 Invest 4.86 5.31 Grwth 3.48 3.80 Invern 4.75 4.75 Pilg Fd 4.74 5.18 VS Com 4.47 Incom 7.55 8.25 4.89 Inv Co A 8.71 9.72 Pine St 7.16 7.16 Speci 4.10 4.48 Ventur 1.63 1.78 Inv Guid 4.32 4.32 Pin Tre (z) (z) Vndrbit 2.16 2.16 Colum 8.57 8.57 COMMONWLTH inv Indic 1,79 PIONEER FD: Vant 1090 4.93 TRUST: Inv Bos 7.16 7.83 Pion Fd 8.12 8.87 Varied 2.34 2.54 A .70 .76 INVEST Pionr 7.06 7.72 Vikng Gr (z) (z) 2 1.01 1.09 COUNSEL Plannd 7.96 8.65 WallSt gr 3.99 4.36 3 Comp gr 3.53 3.84 Capam x5.83 6:39 PLI GRO 8.18 8.94 Wash Mu 6.16 8.92 Comp Cp 3.27 3.58 Capit Iv 1.93 2.12 PLI Trn 4.51 4.93 Weing eq 6.03 6.03 Comp Bd 6.41 6.97 Capit Sh 3.07 3.36 PRICE ROWE: Comp Fd 5.28 5.74 INVEST GROUP: Grwth 7.00 7.00 WELLING TON Conced 6.61 6.61 IDS Gth 3.23 Incom x9.00 9.00 GROUP: Cons Inv 6.25 6.75 ND 2.96 3.22 Nw Era 7.86 7.86 Explor 13.02 14.23 Cnsin gw 3.68 3.68 IDSPr 2.03 2.20 Nw Hor 4.60 4.60 ivest 4.70 5.14 ConMt In 5.85 5.85 Mutual 6.34 6.89 Pro Fd 4.01 4.01 Morgn 6.66 7.28 Contry 8.03 8.68 Stock 11.73 12.75 Provd Gt 5.28 5.77 Trust 6.57 7.18 Cwn Dall 4.06 4.44 Select 8.00 8.60 Prud SIP 5.98 6.54 Weisly 9.29 10.15 Cwn Div 4.04 4.42 Var 4.31 4.69 PUTNAM Welltn 7.42 8.11 Pay Dallas 2.48 Inv Res 4.05 4.43 FUNDS: Wstmn 8.79 9.51 11 Davidg 4.53 4.53 Conver 7.88 8.61 Windsr 5.01 5.48 DELAWARE Grwth 3.89 4.25 Equity 5.41 5.91 West Ind 1.62 1.78 GROUP: Incom 3.57 3.90 Georg 9.22 19.08 Wsfld Gr 4.59 4.99 2 Decatr 7.20 7.87 Ut 3.62 Grwth 6.61 7.22 Wiscons 3.42 3.73 Delw 6.47 7.07 Trst Sh 13.39 14.63 Incom 6.56 7.17 Ziegler 6.87 7.51 Delta 2.65 2.90 Istel 15.48 15.96 Invest 5.32 5.61 x-ex-dividend. deVegh 41.02 41.02 Ivy Fund Fnd A 54 4 56 Vista 5 04 A In Boston Schools Face Violence 10 571 108 3 3 32 24 836 160 291 65 137 6 60 150 62 59 246 5 260 118 26 42 8 5 5 457 241 5 325 311 526 230 97 -H 33 5 19 10 101 7 78 12 234 9 32 21 209 5 91 14 6 52 114 530 5 175 49 6 288 6 65 12 5 18 6a 68 00 901 4 204 116 8 120 10 47 5 31 4 12 13 639 5 134 51 73 8 128 4 474 17 27 10 71 5 61 28 484 3 32 in 5 32 -K 33 34 6 27 5 5 176 14 128 65 5 71 8 10 76 5 8 9 126 16 860 5 27 345 333 51 291 363 353 1012 23 1838 1178 12 223 91 111 4 18 1758 175- 14 1334 1858- 858 838 114 113 133 1238-112 14 127 12 12 1638 91 87 19 19 H- 147 1438 97 1374 14 133 28 20 595 58 10 73 40 38 5 I- 12 12 63 6 20 37 7 15 15 78 53 27 15 15 28 52 22 29 27 4 2 65 5 37 4 6 30 107 135 3 81 34 6 29 2 104 7 56 8 5 22 3 228 -M M- 3 100 41 4 44 21 51 72 6 121 5 195 31 175 5 22 6 6 15 4 34 46 13 5 118 6 8 9 32 22 5 49 6 56 24 3 137 15 478 81 5 232 275 49 7 3 426 5 246 12 3 49 5 229 338 44 4 5 13 395 18 7 5 -N N- 50 2 88 5 62 6 100 10 8 5 110 4 228 3958 5 238 1912 19 7 43 415 9 165 5 60 5 125 773 1618 36 241 5 122 858 -0 0- 2 249 16 59 1358 47 52 21 9 25 24 83 30 43 2978 -P P- 195 1738 15 15 23 1412 117 16 83 13 391 218 31 2012 91 158 473 8 458 59 160 1458 52 243 176 168 90 281 234 1018 255 237 333 11 3438 39 969 4 45- 303- 16 17 15 19 19 63 50 16 423 16 1258 381- 1834- 1358 1318 1318 812 233 241 858 818 1238 1312 83 30 2954 173 1434 16 13 2 20 24 978 34 34 16 YORK STOCK SALES Press International total 12.230.000 16,890,000 17,620,680 16.932.240 22.042,132 2,567,791,237 2.904,474,581 3,112,560,767 EXCHANGE SALES Press International stock total 1,330,000 ago 4.301,450 bond sales $580,000 ago $3,500.000 STOCK AVERAGES Press International 30-Ind 20-Tr 15-Util 65-Stks 605.99 129.45 60.84 188.95 606.54 129.29 60.84 189.00 607.09 129.22 60.84 189.07 606.54 129.45 61.13 189.19 604.90 129 26 61.25 188.87 601.53 128 52 61.25 187.97 POOR'S INDEXES (UPI) Standard indexes for Wednesday. 10). 15-RR 60-UNIl 500-Stks 30.44 30.96 63.67 30.30 31.00 63.69 30.40 31.04 63.87 30.43 31.09 63.89 30.33 31.09 63.62 30.24 31.06 63.38 29.94 30.68 63.39 Potlatc 1.40 1 PPGind 1.70 5 54 1.80 18 341 PuS Col 1.20 6 1352 1,72 5 207 Pullman 6 365 Cp .88 16 Purolatr .92 5 30 -Q QuakOat .80 32 -R Raiston .80 13 89 Rapid Am 1 4 56 Raython .80 7 32 RCA Corp 1 5.

343 RepbSt1 1.60 3 80 Revion 1.20 12 27 Rey Ind 2.68 6 117 Reynt Met 1 90 Riviana .88 7 Robshaw .90 5 RochG 1.24g 24 Rockwell 12 5 82 RohmH 1.12 9 43 Rohr Ind .90 5 33 RoyalCC .64 6 33 RoyID 2.71d 2 66 -S Safewy 1.80 7 89 St Jo Minri2 5 38 St Regis 1.20 6 23 Sander Asso 33 Sang Elc.70 4 12 San In 1.80 5 102 Scher ing .80 21 306 Schlumb .72 24 272 SCM Cp.50 3 36 Scott Pap .68 5 99 Sears 1.60a 12 326 ShellOil 2.40 5 877 SierraPc .92 28 58 SigniCo 2 22 SimnsCo .88 6 72 Singer 2.60 3 428 Smithkline 2 8 111 CalEd 1.68 4 168 SouthCo 1.40 5 929 SoRes 1,65 6 20 SoPacif 2.24 39 So Rail 2.12 80 SowstPS .82 8 33 Sp Rand.76 8 176 Squar 1.10 9 97 Squibb .84 13 70 St Brnd 1.83 11 30 Std Oil Cal 2 3 954 StdO1nd 3.20 7 182 StOilOh 1.36 18 54 Sterl Drg .70 13 168 StewWn 1.92 5 14 StudeW 1.32 3 27 Sun Oil le 4 60 Sunshine .60 10 32 Sup Oil 1.40 12 15 38 -T Tandy Corp 8 42 Teledyne 3i 97 Teneco 1.60 4 442 Texacoinc 2 3 1233 Tex ETr 1.70 6 70 TxGsTr 1.76 5 17 Tex Instr 1 15 225 Tx PLT 6 3 Tex Util 1.16 8 104 TexGulf 1.20 6 65 Textron 1.10 5 71 Thiokol .70 5 48 Thrifty .40 5 21 Timkn 1.80a 6 24 TraneCo .96 8 20 Transam .59 6 290 Tran Un 1.56 8 25 Trans Air 9 297 TriCon 2.57d TRW In 1.12 4 80 TwCFx.15d 7 38 -U UALInc 263 UnCarb 2.20 6 283 Un Elec 1.28 7 121 UnOCal 1.98 4 179 Un Pac 2.80 9 518 Uniroyal .70 160 UtdAircrt 2 4 177 3 Utd Brands 2 145 UnCorp 11 US Gyp 1.60 5 48 US Indus.72 2 221 USSteel 2.40 484 US Tob .80 19 UniTel 1.08 65 UnivsOil .70 63 Upjohn .96 17 251 Utahiti 13 79 Utah PL 2.36 6 101 UV Indust 1 2 27 3 Varian .20 un 63 Vendo Co .40 9 14 1 Vetco Offsh 16 20 VictorCC .50 5 2 Va Elec 1.18 6 610 -W Walgreen 1 5 8 WarLam .84 10 489 Wash 1.48 8 WstnAr 62 Ws Banc 1.40 4 35 WUnion 1.40 5 123 Westg El .97 7 888 Wstvac 1.40 4 40 Weyrhas .80 9 284 WhIPSt 2 4 Whr1pool .80 6 82 Whit Con .80 3 109 Wht Mot 3 76 Whittakr Cp 8 51 Wickes Cp 1 4 52 Winn Dx 1.32 12 24 Wool wh 1.20 4 148 -XYZ58 Xerox Cp 1 116 797 ZaleCorp.76 4 9 Zayre Corp 2 49 Zenith 1.52 6 137 Zurn Ind .28 8 13 21 21 103- 12 12 15 1412 12 0 R- 11 22 1612 1512 978 21 2138 758 28 878 1 76 32 16 10 25 243 40 21 21 72 45 45 18 144 142 144 T- 2058-- 3 22 17 23 223 27 538 5 71 15w6 5 5 U- 15 15 35 10 56 4 11 103- 46 46 V- 22 W- 19 16 7 14 14 93 101 1 22 22 283 243- 58 173 113 10 10 3 3 14 BOSTON (UPI) Seven students and three school officials were injured Wednesday in -swinging, tray-throwing racial clash among 150 students in the South Boston High School cafeteria on the 15th day of a court ordered busing plan to integrate Boston public schools. Officials said three black students were arrested in the incident which forced classes to end an hour early. It was the second day of racial disturbances in the school, the focal point for white opposition to the busing plan. A number of weapons including a baseball bat and a knife -were confiscated by tactical police who were rushed into school to quell the disturbance. Headmaster William J.

Reid said a "scuffle" broke out for an unknown reason in a line near the water cooler. "Then, a lunch tray was thrown and lunchroom became the scene of flying trays," he added. "Staff and Zion Grange Officers Are Listed Grange Meets CLARINGTON Zion Grange No. 2242 at its meeting Wednesday elected the following officers: Master, Homer Dangel; Overseer, Wesley Tisher; Lecturer, Ida Steward, Richter: Assistant Steward, Walter Marty; Lady Assistant Steward, Clara Tisher; Chaplin, Clyde Marty; Gate Keeper, Robert Kasserman; Secretary, Lillian Marty; Treasurer, Patricia Marty; Graces, Marie Dangel, Alma and Lois Marty; Warren's Activity Chairman, Eileen Haines. Regular are on the last Wednesday evening of the month.

Church News Zion and Immanuel United Church of Christ congregations will observe "Worldwide Communion" at their morning services Sunday. John Biesemeir, interim pastor, will conduct the services both churches. Patient Moved Lewis Kanzig who had been a patient in Wetzel County Hospital New Martinsville for ten months, has been moved to a convalescent home in Caldwell. His daughter Miss Leona Kanzig visited with him Thursday. News Briefs George Saffle spent Sunday with his wife, a surgical patient in a Parkersburg hospital.

Mrs. Bruce Rea, Cuyahoga Falls, and Mrs. Charles Byrne, Washington, D.C. visited this week with Mrs. M.

Rea. Mr. and Eugene Fuhrer have returned from a weeks visit with their son Frank in: New York City. Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Jones of Dallas, Texas spent two weeks with his aunt, Mrs. E. H. Mellott. Her First Snowman police moved in and youngsters were sent to separate parts of the building and order was restored." said one of those injured, a 15-year-old black girl, was taken to the hospital where she was treated and released for a hip injury.

He said the other injuries were "minor." School Department officials said many of white students walked out of the building after the flareup and went home. School officials met and decided to let classes out an hour early. Buses were called to take blacks away. After school, some of the black students met with a black School Department community relations employe and a black community leader to discuss the incident. At the same time, Reid met at the school with a number of concerned parents.

A white youth was suspended Tuesday after he threw a chair at a group of blacks. A major confrontation was avoided, however, when Reid and other school officials got between black and white students before fighting could start. Prior to this week anti-busing demonstrations and racial violence in South Boston have been outside the high school. Attendance at South Boston High reached a new high of 504. Wednesday, up 33 over Tuesday, But the 504 figure included only 194 whites, a decrease of 86 over Monday, indicating a stiffening of a white classroom boycott.

The number of blacks increased by 118 to 294. Bike-A-Thon Rescheduled McCONNELSVILLE The American Cancer Society's Bike-A-Thon in Morgan County was canceled Sunday, September 29, because of rain. It will be held this Sunday from 1:00 to 5:00, p.m. starting either at McConnelsville or Stockport locks. Chapter Meets Valley Chapter No.

19 OES will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Election of officers will be held. Refreshments will be furnished by the Chapter. Treasury Bonds NEW YORK counter U.S.

Government Wednesday, Prices 32nds. 375 1974 Nov 4S 1980 Feb 1980 Nov 75 1981 Aug 1982 Feb 1984 1978-83 Jun Aug 1985 May 1975-85 May 1986 Nov 1990 Feb 1987-92 Aug 45 1993 1988-93 Feb Feb 1993-88 Aug 1989-94 May 3s 1995 Feb 7s 1998-93 May 1998 Nov 1999-94 May Source: First Boston dad. Thomas Acklin, made the three-foot Carrie Acklin, 19 months, takes a close look at button-eyed snowman in their back yard. Show the first snowman she has ever seen and the was reported Wednesday over much of norfirst of the season in the Cleveland area. Her theastern Ohio.

Mutual Building Taking Shape Mutual Federal later this fall. C. W. Taylor general conWork is progrogressing on tractor. Mutual Federal Savings and Loan's Savings and Loan New South office at the is located at 14 Fifth street.

corner of Maysville avenue and Clay The Association has a North Office in street, main office Groundbreaking Ceremonies for the new office Fair Shopping Center. held in July and the opening will be held Zanesville's Country were Stocks Close Mixed NEW YORK (UPI) Registering its ninth consecutive loss, the Dow Jones industrial average reached a 12-year low Wednesday as prices closed generally mixed in slow trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow, ahead most of the day, lost 3.39 to 601.53 -the lowest close since it finished at 597.13 on Nov. 1, 1962, during the Cuban missile crisis. In the past nine sessions, the widely watched indicator of 30 selected blue-chip stocks has lost 72.52 points.

Standard Poor's 500-stock index, a broader indicator, fell to a low for the year, losing 0.01 to 63.38. The average price of an NYSE common share increased by three cents. Advances led declines, 828 to 511, among the 1,741 issues crossing the tape. The volume for the NYSE's second six-hour day dropped to 12,230,000 shares from the 16,890,000 traded Tuesday when most exchanges extended trading a half-hour in an attempt to boost lossing sales. Observers said Wall Street is worried more than it has been recently about the price increases oil-producing nations have imposed on consuming nations.

Exxon plunged 2 in Big Board trading. Creole lost 3 on the American Stock Exchange. Others oils with Venezuelan interests also lost. Texaco was off and Royal Dutch-Shell Clorox was the most active issue on the NYSE, off at 7 on 358,300 shares, including a block of 328,500 shares at 7 American Telephone Telegraph warrants were second; off at 13-16 on 223,400 traded. ATT common stock was third, up at 40 on 167,400 shares.

Dow Jones NEW YORK (UPI) Dow Jones closing Averages Open high low close change CHANGE 30 Indus 606.70 613.89 596.84 601.53 off 3.29 20 Transn 128.95 131.00 126.93 128.52 up 1.04 15 Utils 60.49 61.80 60.17 61.25 up 0.76 65 Stock 188.74 191.44 186.00 187.97 up 0.14 Transactions in stocks used in averages Wednesday Tuesday Indus 1,115,900 1,804,600 Trnsp 300,300 547,800 Utils 229,100 323,700 65 Stk 1,645,300 2,676,100 Bonds Close Change 40 Bonds 64.23 off 0.06 10 Higher Grade Rails 45.60 off 0.10 10 Second Grade Rails 61.51 off 0.10 10 Public Utilities 78.80 up 0.19 Industrials 71.02 off 0.23 Income Rails 44.67 up 0.16 Dow Jones commodity futures index (1924-26 average equals 100) closed at 366.60 up 7.09 Simon Role In WASHINGTON (UPI) Treasury Secretary William E. Simon Wednesday denied he had anything to do with a federal rule -drafted while Simon was the nation's energy chief -which allowed oil companies $40 million in windfall profits this year. Simon answered what he called "severely derogatory comments" by members of a House subcommittee. Rep. John D.

Dingell, D- chairman of the Subcommittee on Regulatory Agencies, said either the government knowingly assisted the oil companies or Simon had shown "the most serious form of lack of leadership" when he headed the Federal Energy Office. Dingell told Simon that even some oil companies themselves had warned the government that the rule might lead to excessive profits. "It would appear that on the one hand this provision was a conscious attempt to provide further incentives or rewards to the industry or, on the other hand, that it came about as a result of the most serious form of lack of leadership, mismanagement and undue reliance upon unknowledgeable subordinates or subordinates conflict of interest," the chairman said. The so-called "double dip' provision in federal oil allocation rules, which allowed big oil companies to claim costs twice, existed for four months early Treasury Notes YORK (UPI) Notes for and 32nds. 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 1977 NEW Treasury in dollars Nov Dec Feb Feb Apr May May 6 Aug Aep Oct Nov Dec Feb Feb Mar 8 Apr May May Jun Aug Aug Sep Oct Nov Feb 8 Apr Closing U.S.

Wednesday. Prices Bid Ask Yld 99.23 99.25 7.52 99.15 99.17 7.75 99.2 99.4 8.16 99.4 99.6 8.11 95.28 95.30 8.11 98.19 98.21 8.15 98.21 98.23 8.17 97.27 97.29 8.43 199.4 199.6 8.17 94.24 94.26 8.19 98.20 98.28 8.18 98.9 98.17 8.36 96.21 96.29 8.41 97.12 97.20 8.11 99.19 99.27 8.20 89.0 89.8 8.02 96.8 96.16 8.19 97.12 97.20 8.18 100.19 100.27 8.28 96.28 97.4 8.19 98.20 98.28 8.15 99.26 100.2 8.32 86.8 86.16 8.00 95.30 96.7 8.24 99.28 100.4 7.93 84.0 84.8 7.79 NEW YORK (UPI) The 10 active stocks traded on the American Stock Exchange Wednesday. Sales Close Chg. Terra Chem 69,100 Robintech 57,400 Champ Home 44,200 Ryan Homes 38,200 Syntex 32,300 29 Cinerama 23,900 Giant Yeflow 17,200 Creole Petrol 16,500 A Agronomics 16,300 Aberdeen PtA 12,300 MARKET INDEXES By United Press International NYSE Index 33.44 up 0.05 Index 62.01 off 0.08 Dow. Jones 601.53 off 3.29 500 Stocks 63.38 off 0.01 Windfall this year before it died with the petroleum crisis.

"There appears in the record severely derogatory comments by members of this committee seeking to assign blame for the chaotic which we were situatioaboring. at the FEO." Simon said. "Such statements reveal little understanding of the magnitude of the task imposed upon us" "Only within the past few weeks have I ever even heard the term 'double The interpretation of the FEO which gives rise to regulations, dip) was explained to me only very recently." Luken Sti LykesY MacMill .25 Macy 1.10 Mad Fd. 45d Magnv Man Hn 1.72 Mar Oil 1.80 Mar corinc1 Mar Mid 1.80 MarshF1.24 Mart 1.20 Massey May DS 1.60 MayerOs.92 1.30 McCroy 1.20 McDon .40 McGr HI.50 McLean .72 Mead Cp .80 Merck 1.4020 MidSoU 1.26 1.25 18 Minn PL 1.46 MobilOI 3.20 Mohsco 1.20 Monogram Monsan 2.40 MorgJP 1.60 10 MorrsK Motorola .70 11 Moun Fuel 2 13 MISt Tel 1.52 MurpCo 1.20 Nabisco 2.30 10 NatAirin .50 Natl Distill Ntl Gyp 1.05 NatSteel 21 Natomas 1g NCR Cp .72 Nev Pw 1.40 4 NEngEl 1.78 NiagMo 1.18 NL Indust Norfolk Ws 5 NoNtGs 3.10 NoStPw 1.84 NwBan 1.60 NortonSi .30 Occid Petri OgdenCp.80 Ohio Ed 1.66 OklaGE 1.36 00 OklaNG 1.40 6 Olin Cp 1.10 Un Omarkin.36 Or Rckl 1.20 7 Otis El 2.20 5 OutbdM 1.20 8 Owen CF .88 11 Owen Ill 1.60 5 PacGas 1.88 5 Pac Ltg 1.68 8 Pac Petrl.75 7 PacPwr 1.60 7 Pc 1.20 8 Pan Am Air Panhandle 2 5 Penn Centr Penney 1.1613 Penn PL Dix 1.80 .24 6 Pennzoil 1g PeopGs 2.36 5 PepsiCo 1.40 9 Pfizer In .76 12 Phelp 2.20 5 PhilaEl 1.64 5 PhilipMo .80 12 PhilPet 1.40 7 Pillsbry 1.80 7 Pitney B.60 Polaroid .32 12 NEW By United Approx final Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago Two years ago 1974 to date 1973 to date 1972 to date AMERICAN By United Approx final Stock total year Approx final Bond sales year DOW JONES By United 11 a.m. Noon p.m.

p.m. Close Net chg Pct. chg STANDARD NEW YORK Poor's hourly (1941-43 equals 425-Ind a.m. 71.15 Noon 71.18 1p.m. 71.38 p.m.

.71.40 3p.m. 71.08 Close 70.79 Prev Close 70.88 American Stock Exchange NEW YORK (UPI) Selected stocks on the American Stock Exchange at close. Sales Net P.E (hds) High Low close Chg. A Petro 1.50 5 8 Austral Oil 8 21 Banister Lt 14 26 5 5 Brascan 1g 3 58 12 12 Buttes Gas 6 78 38 Cal Comptr 3 45 Carnatn 1.08 11 22 42 ChmpH 18 442 2 Circle .30 5 12 Comb Equip 5 19 2.60 165 1258 Crw CP 'Day Mn 10d 38 5 5 Dixtyn Corp 12 38 Dome Petro 36 1712 38 Felmnt 12d 25 Fincl SB .20 29 Frontier Air 4 Husk yO1 .50 Kaiser 3 77 Kirbylnd.60 $8 Lee Ent .36 10 11 11 18 Lee Natl Cp Loews Th wt 36 McCullch O1 8 41 3 3 OKC Corp 1 3 Okiep 10.99d 3 z200 58 57 57 PacNW 1.12 8 31 12 12 Pnumo 2 3 Rem Ar .80 5 23 9 Sambos Rst 10 45 Soliton Dev 18 SoundCp .40 3 19 STP Cp 173 14 Syntex .40 13 323 29 01 Vikoa Incor Wyo Bnc .50 6 Yates Indus 3 12 758 (UPI) Treasury over quoted in dollars Bid Ask Chg 99.16 99.18 82.20 83.20--. 8 79.12 80.12 94.24 95.24 90.4 91.4 70.16 71.16-.

4 90.0 91.0 70.16 71.16 72.16 73.16-. 8 8.00 88.0 89.0 70.4 71.4 8 70.16 71.16-. 8 70.16 71.16 83.24 84.24-. 8 90.4 91.4 8 70.4 71.4 .8 70.4 71.4 8 84.8 85.8 .8 70.4 71.4 8 98.24 99.24-. 8 Corp.

Week On Wall Street Volkswagen Volkswagen discusses with other companies sharing equity interest in U. S. assembly plant it considers building but declines to idenify companies. It is understood that some are American firms. Bunker Ramo Bunker Ramo loses bid to renew Air Force contract (which expires October 31) to maintain computers at 150 Air Force bases.

Combusiton Engineering Combustion Engineering makes secondary offering of 775,000 United Nuclear Corporation shares, at $6 each as required antitrust judgment. Texas Instruments Texas Instruments receives $17.2 FAA award for advanced radar equipment. WE NEED Earn Up To $1500 Per Year Extra. who remember. people If you are prior service Our Find job begins or non-prior service we at home.

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The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.