9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (2024)

Use these nine juicing recipes for beginners to introduce more fruits and vegetables into your diet while enjoying the wellness benefits of extra essential nutrients and vitamins.

Many of us are committed to eating better but it can be hard to know where to start, or which trends to pay attention to. I love the juicing concept, and I use juicing recipes that pack a healthy punch to get extra nutritional benefits.

And, I’m here to tell you not to be intimidated by juicing! It’s as simple as putting your favorite ingredients in the juice and letting your machine do the hard work. Plus, I’m giving you my all-time favorite healthy juicing recipes below!

Which one are you going to start with?

Here are my nine favorite juicing recipes, plus extra bonus tips for juicing beginners!

The EnergizerJuice

This isn’t your average carrot juice! The perfect mix of veggies and fresh fruits packs this hydrating juice with vitamin C and includes fresh lemon juice to help balance your body’s pH.

PS. You might be surprised about some of the amazing health benefits from carrots!

this for later

How to Make Energizer Juice:

Energizer Juicing Recipe3 Carrots
1 Green Apple
1 Pear
1/2 Lemon
1 Inch Ginger, Peeled

The Beet Blaster Juice

Even if you don’t like beets, you have to give this juice a try! The apple and carrots in this tasty beet juice recipe are sweet, balancing the earthy beet flavor.

Beets are a superfood that helps detoxify the skin and kidneys. They contain essential folic acid and are filled with betacyanin, which is known to prevent cancer and increase exercise endurance. I even put together a quick guide detailing the health benefits from beets.

Tip: Wash and rinse the beets well with a strainer and cut them into pieces that will fit into the juicer.

9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (2)

How to Make Beet Blaster Juice:

Beet Blaster Juicing Recipe2 Beets with tops, medium-sized
3 Carrots
1 Apple

Green Machine Juice

You won’t believe you’re drinking kale! The sweetness of the pineapple makes this juice drink feel like a treat.

The green machine is filled with vitamin B, calcium, and iron (thanks to the leafy greens), which leave you energized and ready for your day.

Plus, you’re in good company. Leafy greens are one the Bluezone foods that the longest living populations of people eat regularly!

9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (3)

How to Make Green Machine Juice:

Green Machine Juicing Recipe1/2 Bunch of Kale
1 Cucumber
1 1/4 cups Pineapple

The Healthy Mary Juice

This is the Bloody Mary’s healthy sister! You haven’t had real tomato juice until you make it fresh and add a little kick to spice things up.

Tomatoes are one of my favorite healthy foods. They’re rich in antioxidants, along with beta-carotene and lycopene, both of which are known to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes.

9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (4)

How to Make Healthy Mary Juice:

Healthy Mary Juicing Recipe2 Large Tomatoes
4 Stalks Celery
1 Jalapeno, seeded
1/4 Lemon, peel removed
1/2 Cup Cilantro
1/2 Cucumber

Citrus Zinger Juice

Good morning, gorgeous! Take your morning orange juice up a notch with this vibrant citrus juice. The vitamins and minerals in this fruit juice get my blood pumping, and the smell and taste really wake me up.

I also add a little club soda to the recipe in the summer to make a healthy spritzer on hot days. Yum!

9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (5)

How to Make Citrus Zinger Juice:

Citrus Zinger Juicing Recipe3 Oranges, peeled
1/2 Ruby Red Grapefruit, peeled
1 Apple

The Popeye Special Juice

If you have a hard time “eating your spinach,” this is the juice for you! I add strawberries and kiwi to sweeten the spinach up, and the combo tastes incredible.

Plus, the juice is filled to the brim with potassium, iron, vitamins, and micronutrients to make you as strong as Popeye.

9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (6)

How to Make Popeye Special Juice:

Popeye Special Juicing Recipe5 Cups of Spinach
1 Cup Strawberries
2 Kiwis, peeled

Garden Party Juice

Get your garden party on with this tasty vegetable juice! The beauty of juicing is that when you use carrots or apples, the other super healthy but strong flavors, such as parsley and green pepper, aren’t as pronounced.

9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (7)

How to Make Garden Party Juice:

Garden Party Juicing Recipe5 cups of spinach
1 Green Apple
1/4 Cup Parsley
1 Green Pepper
3 Carrots

Snake Bite Juice

This is one of the first juice recipes I ever made, and it’s still my kids’ favorite. The snake bite is sweet, but the fresh ginger gives it a healthy bite!

Fresh ginger helps to optimize the immune system and is also known to improve digestion and circulation.

Here are 11 more immune boosting foods to add to your diet!

9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (8)

How to Make Snake Bite Juice:

Snake Bite Juicing Recipe3 Carrots
1 Inch Ginger, Peeled
1 Green Apple

The Grass is GreenerJuice

One of the biggest health topics is how to boost your immunity. Juicing isn’t just a weight loss topic; it’s a great way to get more immune-boosting, fresh ingredients regularly — and this green juice recipe is the perfect option.

Wheatgrass is full of vitamins and nutrients that help boost immunity and energy. The combination of wheatgrass and vitamin C-rich lime makes this juice recipe the perfect flu and cold-fighting formula to keep you Kleenex-free.

Mint is also known to clear up congestion and is a natural stimulant, so if you feel the sniffles coming on, this is the drink for you!

Note: Pregnant or nursing mothers should not consume wheatgrass.

9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (9)

How to Make Grass is Greener Juice:

Grass is Greener Juicing Recipe2 Handfuls of snipped Wheat Grass
2 Carrots
1/4 Lime, peel removed
3 Stems of Fresh Mint
2 Green Apples
9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (10)

Why Juicing Is Good For Your Overall Health

As a certified fitness coach, I get tons of questions every year about what helps you lose weight the fastest, but my approach to nutrition is simple: I try to eat from a plant, tree, or animal at every meal. Fruits and vegetables are a non-negotiable for me!

I avoid highly processed or pre-prepared foods as much as possible. I also avoid quick-fix detoxes, radical cleanses, or empty promises from companies trying to cash in — because I believe that if you eat well, your body will take care of itself.

I don’t recommend a juicing meal plan and do not advocate juice cleanses or fasts that eliminate whole foods. But drinking fresh juice alongside healthy small meals and other eating habits is an easy way to ensure you get your recommended servings of fruits and vegetables and boost your overall wellness.

Juicing is the quickest, most delicious way to add nutrients to your body and help you feel totally energized. (Oh, and it tastes great!) You may be surprised as to how easily you, too, will become obsessed with this healthy habit.

Health Benefits of Juicing

By extracting the natural juices from fresh produce, you can enjoy a concentrated dose of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are easily absorbed by your body.

Here are some of the biggest benefits of juicing:

Boosts Your Immune SystemThe vitamins and antioxidants you get from fresh fruits and vegetables can help strengthen your immune system, making it more efficient in fighting off illness and disease.
Increases Nutrient IntakeJuicing allows you to consume a higher quantity of fruits and vegetables in one sitting, increasing your intake of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
Improves DigestionThe juicing process results in a liquid that is easy for your body to digest, meaning nutrients are absorbed more quickly and efficiently.
Detoxifies and CleansesMany fruits and vegetables contain natural detoxifying properties that can help flush out harmful substances from your body.
Enhances Energy LevelsThe vitamins and minerals in fresh juices can provide a natural energy boost without relying on caffeine or sugar.
Improves Skin HealthThe vitamins and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables offer hydrating and nourishing properties that contribute to a healthy complexion and youthful glow, just like my favorite skin care products for women over 50!
Reduces InflammationCertain fruits and vegetables used in juicing, such as ginger, turmeric, and leafy greens, contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body

Juicing Tips for Beginners

Ready to get started with juicing? Use the following beginner tips for juicing to get the best benefits for your overall health.

1. Read Your Manual

Typically, I’m not a huge fan of “reading directions,” and mostly just figure appliances out independently. Trust me; you should really read the manual in this case!

My juicer comes with a low and high setting that I can adjust for different vegetables — my manual lists those veggies and what speed they should be juiced at for optimal results.

Also, if you get a big daddy juicer like I have, you need to make sure all the pieces are together correctly so you don’t accidentally juice a finger.

2. Balance Fruit With Veggies

Try to use the 80/20 rule for juicing — 80% veggies and 20% fruit to keep sugar content low. You will also want to remove any skins that are inedible (such as mango skin and citrus peels), large seeds, or pits and wash all of your produce well.

3. Drink Right Away

The point of juicing is to enjoy the fresh juice right away. Fresh juice will lose nutrients as it oxidizes, so plan to drink your juice immediately after making it. If you have extra or can’t drink it all at once, store your juice in an airtight container like a thermos or mason jar, filling it to the top and making sure it’s sealed.

Make sure to refrigerate it ASAP. Fresh juice will keep for up to 24 hours, but I try to drink mine in under 12.

I typically drink my juice for breakfast or as an afternoon pick-me-up. Drinking juice on an empty stomach is best as those nutrients are absorbed right away, and don’t have to fight with other foods your body is trying to digest at the same time.

4. Have Fun!

I have tried tons of juice recipes and then made my own adaptations based on my taste. Try new fruits and vegetables and get your friends and family involved. Don’t be afraid to experiment with cooky concoctions.

Who knows? Maybe beet and broccoli are the next big thing!

Watch My Juicing For Beginners Video Guide

I put together this juicing 101 video to help you get started with easy juicing recipes that you’ll love!

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”kR3gixFl” upload-date=”2021-01-27T20:23:22.000Z” name=”Juicing 101 – Juicing for Beginners ” description=”Juicing for beginners – tips and beginner recipes to make healthy juicing part of your day. Plus the best juicers for every budget. ” player-type=”static”]

The Best Types of Juicers For Every Budget

Juicing machines can vary drastically by price, so I’m going to breakdown the best juicing machines that work best, at every budget level.

Juicer Machine Price Ranges by Budget:

Affordable Juicer$60-$150
Mid-Range Juicer$150-$400
Commercial Grade Juicer$200-$1,000+

I know many sites offer refurbished juicers as well, so that is an option if you don’t want to buy new ones.

Here are my favorite juicer options by budget type:

Affordable Juicer

When it comes to affordable juicers, this is the best selling juicer on Amazon. And if you are like me, I am convinced when there are over 2,000 good reviews!

I did order this one for my mother-in-law a few years back, and she still uses it and likes it!

Mid-Range Juicer

A middle-of-the-road option is the Breville Juice Fountain Plus at 850 watts, that retails for around $150. Breville is probably the best-known name in juicers and stands for quality.

Commercial Grade Juicer

A little more pricey is the Breville Juice Fountain Elite, with 1,000 watts of rocket-like power. This is a commercial-grade juicer, so if you plan to juice a ton, this is the juicer for you. It retails for $299, so it’s pricey.

I bought this juicer 15 years ago, and although it wasn’t cheap, it may be one of the best investments I have ever made.

The bottom line? Juicing is a flexible and customizable practice!

Feel free to mix and match ingredients and juicers according to your preferences and dietary needs. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing green juice, a colorful fruit juice, or an energizing boost, there’s a recipe for everyone.

9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious (2024)


What is the 80/20 rule for juicing? ›

What does that mean? It means that ideally, when you are juicing, you will select and mix ingredients that are proportioned in the ratio of 80% vegetables (or low sugar fruit) and 20% fruit (or high sugar content vegetables).

What is the trick to juicing? ›

Juicing 101: Tips for Juicing at Home
  1. Pick your produce wisely. ...
  2. Prep in advance. ...
  3. Juice for the whole family. ...
  4. Add subtle sweetness with fruit. ...
  5. Make the clean-up part of your routine. ...
  6. Opt for fresh fruits and veggies. ...
  7. Use the pulp! ...
  8. Drink!
Nov 18, 2020

What are the best combination of fruits and vegetables to juice? ›

Here are some ideas of what goes together:
  • Cucumber: carrots and celery.
  • Spinach: tomatoes, celery and carrots.
  • Lettuce: parsnips, carrots, spinach, sprouts.
  • Papaya: pineapple, orange and cucumbers.
  • Various melons: strawberries.
  • Grapes: apples, melon, peach and cranberries.

What happens to your body when you start juicing? ›

With less in your stomach, you'll wake up feeling much lighter than you're used to. On the other hand, you can also look forward to frequent trips to the bathroom - though, on a juice-only diet this shouldn't come as a major surprise. After all, your digestive tract was likely to pick up on the change eventually.

What should you not do while juicing? ›

Top 8 Common Juicing Mistakes
  1. Too Many Sweet Fruits And Vegetables. ...
  2. Your Juice Is Lacking The Color Green. ...
  3. Timing Is Everything! ...
  4. Not Cold Pressed. ...
  5. Not Drinking It Right Away. ...
  6. Your Juice Isn't Clean. ...
  7. Drinking Your Juice In 3 Seconds Flat. ...
  8. Not Juicing At All!!!

How many pounds can you lose by juicing for 3 days? ›

On average, people can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per day on a juice fast. Typically, people can expect to lose 1-2 pounds on a juice fast of three days or less. However, it is important to note that this type of weight loss is not sustainable and is mostly due to fluid loss, not fat loss.

What fruits Cannot be juiced? ›

Some fruits just aren't juicy enough to juice! Bananas, avocados, figs, mangoes, rhubarb, and coconut fall into this category. Instead, toss them in a blender. You can blend the fruit into smoothies or add blended fruit puree to a juice for a little extra texture and flavor.

How long does it take to detox your body with juicing? ›

While there are many variations of juice cleanses, most of them include only consuming freshly squeezed juices from organic fruits and vegetables, often for a duration that varies from 3 days to weeks. Some protocols may also require you to purchase additional 'detoxifying' supplements to help 'reset' the body.

How do you start juicing for beginners? ›

Start with a balance of taste & nutrition.

Naturally sweet and more mild flavors like red or pink apples, pineapple, cucumber, or carrots are some of our go-to ingredients for making any recipe taste better.

Can you juice a banana? ›

The reason you can't juice a banana is that they contain low liquid and high starch content which means they break down into thick pulp and mush when subjected to juicing. Instead of drinkable nutrition, you'll end up with a gluey mess gumming up your appliance.

Why do I feel bad after juicing? ›

Some people experience headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and moodiness. This is completely normal and usually a sign that your body is detoxifying.

Why do I feel sick after juicing? ›

Sometimes a severe reaction to detoxification is explained away as Herxheimer's reaction - where your body is rapidly clearing up an infection, and the 'die-off' causes viral debris to clog your detoxification channels leading to mild fever, nausea, and rapid heart rate.

Does juicing shrink your stomach? ›

Although juicing doesn't actually shrink the stomach, it does temporarily eliminate the possibility to eat for comfort. The upshot of that is that you will feel satiated with less food than usual, immediately after you're done with the cleanse.

How many pounds can I lose juicing for 5 days? ›

While the results vary based on your metabolism and physical activity level, most people can expect to lose 1-2 lbs per day resulting in a 5-8 lbs weight loss after a 5 day juice cleanse.

How many times a day should you drink juice when juicing? ›

When you first wake up, drink your first juice, and drink every subsequent juice every two hours after. Don't forget to stay hydrated and drink water throughout the day.

How many pounds can you lose juicing for 10 days? ›

On average, people can lose anywhere from 3-10 pounds on a 3-7 day juice cleanse. However, some people have reported losing up to 20 pounds on a longer cleanse. It's worth noting that the weight loss you experience on a juice cleanse isn't just water weight.

How many oz of juice should I drink when juicing? ›

A: Plan to drink about 4-6 glasses, 16-20 ounces each of fresh juice daily in addition to eating fruits and vegetables. You will need to add extra fluid to meet your hydration needs.


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.